ReportMarch 7, 2024

People Exposed to Climate Change: December 2023 - February 2024

Read the full report: Seasonal Attribution Report: An analysis of how climate change boosted temperatures worldwide between December 2023 and February 2024

Download the data: National, state/province, and city data for 175 countries and 678 cities

Key Facts

Carbon pollution drove abnormal warmth experienced by 59% of humanity between December 2023 and February 2024.

Roughly 80% of Earth’s population, 6.7 billion people, were exposed to unusual warmth linked to climate change. More than half — 4.8 billion people, approximately 59% — experienced at least one day of temperatures that would be virtually impossible without the influence of carbon pollution.

For 1.7 billion people worldwide, daily temperatures during this span — meteorological winter in the northern hemisphere — reached the maximum level 5 on Climate Central’s Climate Shift Index (CSI) at least 31 times. That equates to a month or more of abnormal warmth made at least five times more likely by the influence of climate change.


Download data for December 2023-February 2024, including:

  • National and State data: Includes the monthly temperature anomalies and the monthly Climate Shift Index levels for 175 countries. We also include values for states/provinces in the United States, Canada, India, and Brazil. 

  • City data: Shows Climate Shift Index levels for 678 cities, as well as streaks of unusual temperatures.