March 6, 2023

Climate Central unveils FloodVision™ at Aspen Ideas Festival


Climate Central unveils hyperlocal flood simulation technology at Aspen Ideas Festival

FloodVision™ produces precise elevation data and AI-generated, science-based imagery of coastal flooding and sea level projections

Princeton, NJ—March 6, 2023—Climate Central today announced from the Aspen Ideas: Climate Festival the launch of FloodVision™, a new technology that provides precise elevation measurements and photorealistic visualizations of potential future flooding.

FloodVision™ integrates data from optical, LiDAR, and GPS sensors on a custom-designed vehicle-top instrument package, and uses AI processing techniques to produce high-resolution 3D reconstructions of the built environment. In addition to enabling large-scale assessments of first-flood elevations, the result supports AI-driven renderings of photorealistic flood waters to simulate levels projected in coastal flood forecasts or sea level rise projections. These images can support public safely efforts by helping residents to visualize storm surge predictions, and they can support coastal resiliency initiatives by illustrating the risks addressed by local projects.

FloodVision™ can gather and process data for entire neighborhoods quickly and efficiently, producing comprehensive risk assessments and simulations for entire cities. Visualizations can include future sea levels, forecasted storm surges, or any combination, to any level of feet and inches, or metric measurements. And each visualization is backed by leading peer-reviewed science.

For more information about FloodVision™ visit:

About Climate Central

Climate Central is a non-advocacy, non-profit science and news organization providing authoritative information to help the public and policymakers make sound decisions about climate and energy.

Contact: Peter Girard, Director of Communications, Climate Central: or 609-986-1999
